Welcome toFindownersearch.com, the most comprehensive FREE listing of Brands AND Owner contact information (including websites and phone numbers) on the Internet.
Findownersearch includes goods and services that have currently or previously applied for a USA trademark as well as other goods and services that have not applied for any USA trademark. Sometimes these other Brands are trademarked outside the US or in individual states within the USA.
Some enjoy “common law” status (acquired through continuous use of the name and goods or services in commerce in a particular geographic area) or are just new brands that have yet to apply for trademark protection.
Brands(which can be goods or services) can be trademarked or trademarks(which can be goods or services) can be brands, but neither are company names.
For example, International Business Machines is a well known company name, but is not a trademark. The well known trademark is IBM.
Businesses can screen names for new products and services.
Advertising agencies can easily track companies, their brands and competing brands for purposes of gaining new business and/or naming new products and services.
Marketing and Media executives can track all the companies and/or Brands in one category.
Consumers can quickly learn the contact information and other brands owned by any company for purposes of buying new products and services, complaining to senior management, or seeking a job at a particular company.
Please see our FAQ section or Contact Us sections for more information and to get your questions answered.